@article{PismaZhETF.69.236, title = {Suppression of the equilibrium tunneling current between slightly disordered two-dimensional electron systems with different electron concentrations in a high magnetic field}, author = {Dubrovskii, Yu. V. and Vdovin, E. E. and Khanin, Yu. N. and Popov, V. G. and Maude, D. K. and Portal, J. -C. and Maan, J. K. and Andersson, T. G. and Wang, S.}, journal = {πΙΣΨΝΑ Χ φότζ}, volume = {69}, issue = {3}, pages = {236}, year = {1999}, doi = {}, url = {http://jetpletters.ru/ps/0/article_14146.shtml}, }