@article{PismaZhETF.47.555, title = {Observation of the coherent production of an $a^-_1$ meson in antineutrino interactions of a charged current in neon}, author = {Ammosov, V. V. and Bel'kov, A. A. and Burtovoi, V. S. and Gapienko, V. A. and Gapienko, G. S. and Denisov, A. G. and Zaets, V. G. and Klyukhin, V. I. and Koreshev, V. I. and Pitukhin, P. V. and Sirotenko, V. I. and Usubov, Z. U. and Asratyan, A. E. and Gorichev, P. A. and Kruchinin, S. P. and Kubantsev, M. A. and Makhlyueva, I. V. and Fedotov, A. V. and Shekelyan, V. I.}, journal = {πΙΣΨΝΑ Χ φότζ}, volume = {47}, issue = {11}, pages = {555}, year = {1988}, doi = {}, url = {http://jetpletters.ru/ps/0/article_16589.shtml}, }