@article{PismaZhETF.59.227, title = {Spin splitting of magnetoresistance oscillations and quantum Hall effect in Ge/$Ge_{1-x}Si_x$ superlattices in an oblique magnetic field}, author = {Arapov, Yu. G. and Gorodilov, N. A. and Neverov, V. N. and Kharus, G. I. and Shelushinina, N. G. and Kuznetsov, O. A. and Orlov, L. K. and Rubtsova, R. A. and Chernov, A. L.}, journal = {πΙΣΨΝΑ Χ φότζ}, volume = {59}, issue = {4}, pages = {227}, year = {1994}, doi = {}, url = {http://jetpletters.ru/ps/0/article_19604.shtml}, }