@article{PismaZhETF.36.169, title = {Observation of parity nonconservation in the integrated $\gamma$ spectrum from (n, $\gamma$) reactions in Cl, Br, Cd, Sn, and La nuclei}, author = {Vesna, V. A. and Kolomenskii, E. A. and Lobashev, V. M. and Nazarenko, V. A. and Pirozhkov, A. N. and Smotritskii, L. M. and Sobolev, Yu. V. and Titov, N. A.}, journal = {πΙΣΨΝΑ Χ φότζ}, volume = {36}, issue = {5}, pages = {169}, year = {1982}, doi = {}, url = {http://jetpletters.ru/ps/0/article_20144.shtml}, }