    title = {Search for $He^{10}$ isotope in the fragmentation reaction of a $Th^{232}$ target nucleus},
    author = {Beznogikh, G. G. and Zhidkov, N. K. and Kirillova, L. F. and Nikitin, V. A. and Nomokonov, P. V. and Avdeichikov, V. V. and Murin, Yu. A. and Oplavin, V. S. and Maisyukov, V. D. and Maslennikov, Yu. V. and Shevchenko, A. P. and Buyak, A. and Shavlovski, M.},
    journal = {Письма в ЖЭТФ},
    volume = {30},
    issue = {6},
    pages = {349},
    year = {1979},
    doi = {},
    url = {http://jetpletters.ru/ps/0/article_20641.shtml},