@article{PismaZhETF.33.239, title = {Investigation of the transition electromagnetic form factor in the $\omega\to\pi^0\mu^+\mu^-$ decay}, author = {Viktorov, V. A. and Golovkin, S. V. and Dzhelyadin, R. I. and Zaitsev, A. M. and Konstantinov, A. S. and Konstantinov, V. F. and Kubarovskii, V. P. and Landsberg, L. G. and Mukhin, V. A. and Obraztsov, V. F. and Petrunina, T. I. and Prokoshkin, Yu. D.}, journal = {πΙΣΨΝΑ Χ φότζ}, volume = {33}, issue = {4}, pages = {239}, year = {1981}, doi = {}, url = {http://jetpletters.ru/ps/0/article_22997.shtml}, }