@article{PismaZhETF.34.375, title = {Temperature dependence of the recombination rate constant of hydrogen atoms in solid $H_2$ at 1.5 K< T < 5.5 K}, author = {Katunin, A. Ya. and Lukashevich, I. I. and Orozmamatov, S. T. and Sklyarevskii, V. V. and Suraev, V. V. and Filippov, V. V. and Filippov, N. I. and Shevtsov, V. A.}, journal = {ðÉÓØÍÁ × öüôæ}, volume = {34}, issue = {6}, pages = {375}, year = {1981}, doi = {}, url = {http://jetpletters.ru/ps/0/article_23190.shtml}, }