@article{PismaZhETF.20.132, title = {Investigation of the influence of a crystal-to-glass transition on the local structure of a semiconductor by the Mossbauer effect on the nuclei $^{125}Te, ^{127}I$, and $^{129}I$ ($^{129m}Te)$}, author = {Seregin, P. P. and Kryl'nikov, Yu. V. and Nasrebinov, F. S. and Vasil'ev, L. N. and Sagatov, M. A. and Turaev, E. Yu.}, journal = {πΙΣΨΝΑ Χ φότζ}, volume = {20}, issue = {2}, pages = {132}, year = {1974}, doi = {}, url = {http://jetpletters.ru/ps/0/article_27205.shtml}, }