@article{JETPL.112.313, title = {Insight into Structural, Electronic, Magnetic, and Elastic Properties of Full-Heusler Alloys Co2YPb (Y = Ti, V, Fe, and Mo): Ab Initio Study}, author = {Zitouni, A. and Remil, G. and Bouadjemi, B. and Benstaali, W. and Lantri, T. and Matougui, M. and Houari, M. and Aziz, Z. and Bentata, S.}, journal = {JETP Lett.}, volume = {112}, issue = {5}, pages = {290}, year = {2020}, doi = {10.1134/S0021364020170026}, url = {http://jetpletters.ru/ps/dx/10.31857/S123456782017005X}, note = {[Pisma v ZhETF 112, 313 (2020)]} }