@article{JETPL.118.46, title = {Anomalous Behavior of the Tunneling Magnetoresistance in (CoFeB)x(LiNbO3)100 ? x/Si Nanocomposite Film Structures Below the Percolation Threshold: Manifestations of the Cotunneling and Exchange Effects}, author = {Nikolaev, S. N. and Chernoglazov, K. Yu. and Emelyanov, A. V. and Sitnikov, A. V. and Taldenkov, A. N. and Patsaev, T. D. and Vasiliev, A. L. and Gan?shina, E. A. and Demin, V. A. and Averkiev, N. S. and Granovsky, A. B. and Rylkov, V. V.}, journal = {JETP Lett.}, volume = {118}, issue = {1}, pages = {58}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.1134/S0021364023601550}, url = {http://jetpletters.ru/ps/dx/10.31857/S1234567823130104}, note = {[Pisma v ZhETF 118, 46 (2023)]} }