    title = {Experiment on Highly Efficient Deflection of a 1-GeV Proton Beam by a Bent Crystal at the PNPI Synchrocyclotron},
    author = {Amerkanov, D. A. and Vaishnene, L. A. and Gavrikov, Yu. A. and Gorshkov, B. L. and Denisov, A. S. and Ivanov, E. M. and Ivanova, P. Yu. and Ivanov, Yu. M. and Koznov, M. A. and Murzin, V. I. and Shipunov, L. A.},
    journal = {JETP Lett.},
    volume = {118},
    issue = {8},
    pages = {543},
    year = {2023},
    doi = {10.1134/S0021364023602804},
    url = {http://jetpletters.ru/ps/dx/10.31857/S1234567823200016},
    note = {[Pisma v ZhETF 118, 551 (2023)]}