@article{JETPL.118.735, title = {Synthesis and Superconducting Properties of Some Phases of Iron Polyhydrides at High Pressures}, author = {Gavriliuk, A. G. and Troyan, I. A. and Struzhkin, V. V. and Trunov, D. N. and Aksenov, S. N. and Mironovich, A. A. and Ivanova, A. G. and Lyubutin, I. S.}, journal = {JETP Lett.}, volume = {118}, issue = {10}, pages = {742}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.1134/S0021364023603159}, url = {http://jetpletters.ru/ps/dx/10.31857/S123456782322007X}, note = {[Pisma v ZhETF 118, 735 (2023)]} }