@article{JETPL.119.27, title = {Features of the Dynamic Spectrum of Signals Generated by a Wide-Aperture Electron Beam in a Large-Scale Magnetized Plasma}, author = {Zudin, I. Yu. and Gushchin, M. E. and Strikovskiy, A. V. and Aidakina, N. A. and Korobkov, S. V. and Nikolenko, A. S. and Gundorin, V. I. and Loskutov, K. N. and Demekhov, A. G.}, journal = {JETP Lett.}, volume = {119}, issue = {1}, pages = {27}, year = {2024}, doi = {10.1134/S0021364023603524}, url = {http://jetpletters.ru/ps/dx/10.31857/S1234567824010063}, note = {[Pisma v ZhETF 119, 27 (2024)]} }