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About the paper "Magnetoresistance of the two-dimensional electron gas in a parallel magnetic field" Dolgopolov V.T., Gold A. (2000)
2015-12-10 16:21:02

In the paper [1]  the resistance  of strongly interacting two-dimensional electron gas is calculated as a function of electron spin polarization caused by external  magnetic field . To avoid  possible influence of orbital effects, it was assumed that the magnetic  field is parallel to the plane of the two-dimensional electrons.
       In the approximation in which the problem was solved in [1], one could easily solve  it much earlier , at least twenty years before. In this sense, the problem can be classified as forgotten
or missed task. This task became very interesting  after it was experimentally found  that  in 2D gas of silicon high mobility field effect structures (Si-MOSFETs )  one  achieves complete spin polarization of electron system in parallel to interface magnetic field [2,3].
       The idea of the solution is to take into account the variation in the screening of the Coulomb scattering center caused by the spin polarization increase . The effect becomes significant only at rs~ 1 , where the parameter rcharacterizes  the interaction strength between electrons . (In the simplest case, rs is the ratio of the characteristic potential energy to the typical kinetic energy.) On the other hand, approximation used in [1] (RPA with Hubbard corrections) is valid also only in the region where rs is slightly higher than unity. Thus, the formal calculation is valid  in a narrow range of electron densities  corresponding to the values of rs close to unity.  Another  drawback
is taking into account   Hartree part of the scattering potential only .
        Despite these shortcomings, the paper [1] gained great popularity among  the experimentalists: the paper is cited about a dozen times each  year. It turned out that the results adequately describe the experiment  (both qualitatively and quantitatively), even in the limit of rs >> 1, and in addition, the better description of the changes in the transport properties of two-dimensional electron systems caused by  spin polarization is still not avaliable.

In one year after publication of [1]  its results  were reproduced in [4].

1. V. T. Dolgopolov, A. Gold JETP Letters 71, 27 (2000).
2. T. Okamoto, K. Hosoya, S. Kawaji, A. Yagi Phys.Rev. Lett., 82, 3875 (1999)
3. T. Okamoto, K. Hosoya, S. Kawaji, et al, Cond-mat/ 9906425 (1999)
4. Igor F. Herbut Phys. Rev. B, 63, 113102 (2001)

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