To increase readership and improve the citation indices of your article, the authors of JETP Letters can publish it in Open Access mode. Open Access to the articles that have been peer reviewed and accepted for publication by the editorial board requires payment.
Instead of a reader paying an access fee to read your article, Open Access articles are available free of charge for everybody worldwide. Unrestricted access allows many more readers and scientists to study and appreciate your research output.
All Open Access publications are subject to mandatory peer review and pass through all stages of the editorial process. Similar to all other JETP Letters articles, Open Access articles are posted on the same SpringerLink platform (hosted by our distribution partner Springer Nature) as ordinary articles but marked Open Access.
Open Access articles are permanently available to anyone with Internet access. These articles are not restricted in any way, including full or partial use or dissemination and reproduction on any media, provided the author is given credit in the manner specified by the original work and the publication source is cited.
Open Access publications go through the same selection, peer-review, editorial, and production processes as in the traditional subscription-based publishing paradigm.
The common business model in publishing is based on publishers charging a fee for the reader to gain access to published research output. In Open Access, published results are considered the last, finishing stage of research and they are financed from the same sources as the research itself. Instead of charging readers a fee for access to the content, the publisher is paid by whoever is funding the research or any other authorized organization. The authors are held responsible for organizing the payment process from the funds provided by sponsors, scientific foundations, and institutions where the research has been carried out.
Maximum visibility and accessibility. Open Access articles become available online free of any restrictions whatsoever; this maximizes their usage and citation.
Meeting conditions of granting agencies. By publishing the article in Open Access, the author often meets fully or in part the sponsor requirements on article deposition.
Open Access articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) license. The CC BY license grants users rights to unrestricted use, dissemination, and reproduction of a work on any media, provided the author and publication source are cited, a reference to the Creative Commons license is given, and whether any changes have been made to the original work.
The authors or copyright holders unconditionally, in advance, and indefinitely grant third parties the right to use, reproduce, or disseminate the article fully or partially in any format and on any media, provided no substantial errors are made in the publication, the authors of the article are specified, a correct reference is made to the source of the publication, and the bibliographical data have not been altered. If the article is partially reproduced or disseminated, this also must be clearly and in no uncertain terms reflected in the reference.
To publish your article in Open Access, you should prepare and submit your manuscript in the Russian or English language to the editorial office of JETP Letters. Having passed through all the mandatory procedures such as peer review, approval by the editorial board, and signing off by the Editor in Chief, the authors should prepare a freeform application and send it to info@pleiades.vg. The application must include:
- The title of the journal where your article is published (JETP Letters).
- The sponsor of your research.
- The funding source for Open Access publication (the name and details of the organization that will be the signatory to the agreement about covering the article processing charge (APC)).
- The contact details of the author who will coordinate the publication process.
Together with your application, you must enclose the Letter of Consent (link) signed by all authors (who thereby confirm their agreement for the article to be published in Open Access and their willingness to pay the APC), as well as the title of the article and the list of all the authors.
If you are submitting your article in the Russian language or if it has a Russian-language version, the latter will be simultaneously published in the Russian-language version of the journal, "Pis'ma v ZhETF", as an ordinary article.
The APC for publishing an article in Open Access mode is approximately 155 000 roubles (or US $3 000). The exact amount and payment details will be specified in the relevant Open-Access publication agreement.
- The article will not appear on the website without a signed Letter of Content and before receipt of APC payment or a guarantee thereof.
- Your decision to publish the article in Open Access is final and cannot be revoked once the final version of the article has been prepared. Your payment can only be refunded if it is discovered that the article cannot be published in Open Access for reasons beyond authors' control while the article is being prepared for publication. In the latter case, the article will be published as an ordinary article.
- The APC is not refunded on an author's request nor when the author has not complied with publication rules, including plagiarism, etc.
- The APC does not include any additional fees such as the charge for processing full-color illustrations or for substantial revision of an already prepared article or any of its parts.
- Each article goes through the standard article-preparation cycle, which includes interim author's proofing.