Stripe motion in CuO2, planes of Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7 as seen from the Cu(2) quadrupole resonance
Teplov M.A., Sakhratov Yu.A., Dooglav A.V., Egorov A.V., Krjukov E.V., Zaitsev O.P.
Pulsed NQR at the frequencies of 28-33 íî× hat been used to study copper NQR spectra in õ÷ÁÇóÉÚï?, ôÔ÷ÁÇóÉÚï? and Υ0.9ΡΌ.1 ÷ÁÇóÉÚï? compounds at temperatures of 4.2-200 K. Quantitative analysis of the spectra has shown that the "plane" Cu(2) spectra shape is well described by using a model of ID correlations of charge and spin distribution in óÉïÇ planes (stripe correlations). In the undoped superconductors the charge-spin stripe structure moves fast in the óÉ ï 2 planes, but doping the õ÷Á2óÉÚ<>7 lattice with praseodymium slows this motion down. PACS: 61.72.Hh, 74.72.Bk, 74.80.-g, 76.60.Gv