Study of Δ(1232) isobar electroproduction at VEPP-2M e+e--collider
Achasov M.N., Bozhenok A.V., Bukin A.D., Bukin D.A., Burdin S.V., Dimova T.V., Dolinsky S.I., Druzhinin V.P., Dubrovin M.S., Gaponenko I.A., Golubev V.B., Ivanchenko V.N., Korol A.A., Koshuba S.V., Lysenko A.P., Pakhtusova E.V., Shary V.V., Shatunov Yu.M., Sidorov V.A., Silagadze Z.K., Serednyakov S.I., Valishev A.A., Usov Yu.V.
PACS: 14.20.Gk, 13.60.Rj
Results from the Spherical Nonmagnetic Detector (SND) on Δ(1232) isobar electro-production in the collisions of beam electrons (positrons) and residual gas nuclei in the VEPP-2M e+e~-collider are presented. On the basis of the obtained data the expected counting rate of this process in future high luminosity e+e~~-colliders ( с-тand b-factories) was estimated.