Experimental evidence of the Phobos magnetic field
V. G. Mordovskaya, V. N. Oraevsky, V. A. Styashkin, J. Rustenbach*
Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radiowave Propagation (IZMIRAN)
142092 Troitsk, Moscow reg., Russia
*Max-Plank-Institut fur extraterrestrische Physik, 12489 Labor Berlin, Berlin, Germany
PACS: 96.30.Gc, 96.35.Kx
The detailed analysis of the disturbances of the magnetic field
near Phobos has been carried out. Two types of the force lines have been
found. Some of them correspond to the force lines of the solar wind disturbed
by the obstacle. Others are related to Phobos. The character and the
direction of the disturbances give the strong evidence for the existence of
the magnetic field and the magnetosphere of Phobos . Assuming a dipole
approximation, the value of the magnetic field of Phobos on its surface is
0.6 G. It is comparable to the value of the magnetic field on a surface
of the Earth.