CaCuMn6O 12 vs. CaCu2Mn5O12: a comparative study
O. Volkova, E. Goodilin, A. Vasiliev, D. Khomskii+, N. Tristan*, P. Kerschl*, Yu. Skourski*, K.-H. Mueller*, B. Buechner*
Moscow State University, 119992 Moscow, Russia
+Koeln University, D-50937 Koeln, Germany
*Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, D-01171 Dresden, Germany
PACS: 72.80.Ga, 75.10.-b, 75.47.Gk
The ferrimagnetic compounds Ca(CuxMn3-x)Mn4O12 of
double distorted perovskites AC3B4O12 family exhibit a rapid
increase of the ferromagnetic component in magnetization at partial substitution
of square coordinated (Mn3+)C for (Cu2+)C. In transport
properties this is seen in a change of semiconducting type of resistivity for
the metallic one. The evolution in magnetic properties of
Ca(CuxMn3-x)Mn4O12 is driven by strong antiferromagnetic
exchange interaction of (Cu2+)C with octahedra coordinated
(Mn3+/4+)B. The competing interactions of (Mn3+)C with
(Mn3+/4+)B lead to the formation of non - collinear magnetic structures
which can be aligned by magnetic field.