Angular distributions of scattered excited muonic hydrogen atoms
V. N. Pomerantsev, V. P. Popov
Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, 119899 Moscow, Russia
PACS: 36.10.-k
Coulomb deexcitation differential cross sections of excited muonic
hydrogen in collisions with hydrogen atom are studied for the first time. In
the fully quantum-mechanical close-coupling approach both the differential
cross sections for the nl → n'l' transitions and l-averaged differential
cross sections have been calculated for the initial exotic atom states with
n=2 - 6 at kinetic energies Ecm=0.01-15 eV and for scattering
angles θcm=0-180°. The vacuum polarization shifts of
the ns-states are taken into account. The differential cross sections of the
elastic and Stark scattering obtained in the same approach are also presented.
The main features of the calculated differential cross sections are discussed
and a strong anisotropy of Coulomb deexcitation cross sections is predicted.