New mechanism for exciton-biexciton changes in the spectra of a semiconductor in a polariton pump wave
Ivanov A. L. , Panashchenko V. V.
The absorption of first sound in the smectic Λ phase and smectic Cphase in the frequency interval 3 Χ 105 s"'-3x 107 s_1 was studied. The critical behavior of the viscosity coefficients was analyzed. The dynamic critical indices were estimated. The component of the damping of sound associated with the fluctuations of the smectic layers was determined. The results obtained experimentally are compared with the theoretical predictions. {G. F. Mazenko, S. Ramaswamy, and J. Toner, Phys. Rev. A28,1618 (1983); Ε. I. Katsand V. V. Lebedev, Zh. Eksp.Teor. Fiz. 85,2019 (1983) [Sov. Phys. JETP58,1172 (1983) ]; Ε. V. Gurovich, Ε. I. Kats, and V. V. Lebedev, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 94,167 (1988) [Sov. Phys. JETP67,741 (1988)]}.