Local surroundings and the electronic state of the impurity in metastable alloys: Mossbauer spectra of 57Fe in Ti1-xFex
Korsunskii I. L. , Lomonosov V. V. , Pazhin Yu. F., Permyakov Yu. V. , Samarin P. F., Katsnel'son M. I., Trefilov A. V.
The Mossbauer spectra of 57Fe in Ti, _ x Fe^ (5X10~4 5*50.2) were studied at temperatures Τ = 295 К, 100 К, 77 К, and 4.2 К. No correlation was found to exist in metastable phases between the local surroundings of Fe and the long-range crystal order (frustration). The relationship between the local distortions and the change in the electronic state of the impurity and the anomalous properties of titanium alloys is discussed.