Observation of the interaction of reactor antineutrinos with deuterons in neutral and charged current channels at the Rovno nuclear power station
Vershinksii A. G. , Meluzov A. A. , Mikaelyan L. A. , Nikolaev S. V. , Skorokhvatov M. D. , Etenko A. V.
At the Rovno nuclear power station the first results have been obtained in a study of reactions of the interaction of ve with a deuteron, ve + d^n + ρ + v'e and ve + In + e + , which occur through the weak, neutral, and charged current channels. From the 2900 single neutrons and 400 neutron pairs that were detected an estimate is made of the cross sections of the reactions and the axial constant of the weak nucleon currentg^c;g^c = 1.25· (1.06 ±0.16) -gF, wheregF is the Fermi constant.