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VOLUME 51 (1990) | ISSUE 6 CONTENTS page number of Russian version in brackets
Kalashnikov O. K. , Skalozub V. V. , Chub I. V. , Cancellation of infrared divergences in trace of gluon polarization tensor at  T\neq 0 in covariant gauges 333  (293)
Wiese W.-E. , Polikarpov M. I. , New confinement deconfinement order parameter in lattice theories 336  (296)
Golubeva M. B. , Kovinskii V. I. , Krasnov V. A. , Kurepin A. B. , Patarakin O. O., Prokhvatilov M. A. , Reshetin A. I. , Topil'skaya N. S. , Shul'ginov A. V. , Excitation of A isobars in single pion charge exchange at 1 GeV 338  (298)
Sergeichev K. F. , Sychev I. A. , Strong Langmuir turbulence excited by microwave field 342  (301)
Avetisov V. G. , Gritsinin S. I. , Kim A. V. , Kossyi I. A. , Kostinskii A. Yu. , Misakyan M. A., Nadezhdinskii A. I. , Tarasova N. M. , Khusnutdinov A. N. , Ionization collapse of rf plasma filament in dense gas 348  (306)
Burmistrov S. N. , Dubovskii L. B. , Diamagnetic soliton at twin boundary 352  (310)
Zemlyanov M. G. , Malinovskii V. K. , Novikov V. N. , Parshin P. P., Sokolov A. P. , Fractal vibrational excitations in polymers 358  (314)
Lyubovskaya R. N. , Lyubovskii R. B. , Makova M. K. , Pesotskii S. I. , Upper critical field five times the Clogston paramagnetic limit in the organic superconductor (ET)4Hg2.89Br8 361  (317)
Markelov A. V. , Stability of the ground state of ordered dimers of the t-J model 365  (320)
Zhurkov S. N., Korsukov V. E. , Luk'yanenko A. S., Obidov B. A., Svetlov V. N. , Smirnov A. P. , Transformation of mechanically loaded Ge(111) surface 370  (324)
Gorbatsevich A. A. , Kopaev Yu. V. , Locally unstable crystal configurations and electronic superconductivity mechanism 373  (327)
Zinov'eva K. N. , Karstens G. E. , Kashlyuk A. V. , Semenov A. S. , Resonant absorption of sound by surface of copper single crystal 379  (332)
Lerman L. M. , Nonintegrability and stationary solitons of complex profile for Landau-Lifshitz equation 383  (336)

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