Possibility of comparing the tunneling density of states of BiSrCaCuO (2212) with the BCS model
Vedeneev S. I. , Kuznetsov K. A. , Stepanov V. A. , Tsvetkov A. A.
Current-voltage characteristics of S-I-S tunnel junctions fabricated from high-quality BiSrCaCuO (2212) single crystals have been measured. A method is proposed for extracting the tunneling density of states N(E) from experimental data. Allowance is made for a finite quasiparticle lifetime. The functions N(E) which have been found can be described well by the BCS model if one additional parameter, Г, is introduced. The temperature dependence of the energy gap 2Δ is the BCS 2Δ(Γ) dependence with a ratio 2A(0)/(kBTc) of 6.7 ± 0.3.