Polarization of Σ+ hyperons in π+p interactions at 3.6-4.2 GeV/c
Batusov V. Yu. , Drutskoi A. G. , Mikhailichenko V. I. , Kiselevich I. L, Panitkin S. Yu., Ponosov A. K., Sergeev F. M. , Tel'nov M. Yu. , Filimonov K. V.
The transverse polarization of Σ+hyperons produced in -π+ρ interactions at 3,6-4.2 GeV/c was measured: Р2=0.49 ±0.09. A correlation was established between the polarization of the hyperons and the production of K* (890) vector mesons. It is shown that the polarization of the Σ+hyperons increases in the reactions in which а ЯГ*(890) vector meson is produced. At small 4-momentum transfer the Σ+ hyperons produced in K~ and 7Γ4" beams are oppositely polarized; at large 4-momentum transfer the difference becomes insignificant.