Mesoscopic photovoltaic effect in an electron interferometer
Bykov A. A. , Kvon Z. D., Litvin L. V., Nastaushev Yu. V. , Mansurov V. G. , Migal' V. P. , Moshchenko S. P.
A photovoltaic effect has been observed in a ring electron interferometer using a AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunction. It is induced at Γ< 4.2 К by microwave radiation in the form of an emf which oscillates as a function of the magnetic field. The oscillation period is equal to the period of the oscillation in the resistance and corresponds to a change in the magnetic flux across the interferometer by an amount equal to the flux quantum Ф0 = /г/е. The observed effect is shown to be of a mesoscopic nature.