Experimental evidence for the existence of afmons in the antiferromagnetic semiconductor Cu0.75Co0.25Cr1.625Sb0.375S4
Koroleva L I. , Odintsov A. G. , Mashaev M. Kh. , Saifullaeva D. A.
A giant negative magnetoresistance, ~ 16% in a field of 27 kOe, has been observed along with a positive value Θ = 45 К in the antiferromagnetic semiconductor Cuo.75Coo.25Cr! .625^0.37584. This is a solid solution of CuCri 5Sbo.5S4, with a checkerboard antiferromagnetic structure (with a paramagnetic Curie temperature Θ= —156 К), and the ferrimagnet CoCr2S4. These experimental facts are evidence for the existence of afmons in this compound.