VOLUME 57 (1993) | ISSUE 12 |
PAGE 806
Relaxation of a photoinduced anisotropy in chalcogenide glasses
Tikhomirov V. K.
The dark relaxation of the photoinduced anistropy in chalcogenide glasses is described by a fractional-exponential Kohlrausch law exp(—t/r)r over a wide time interval, except in the initial stage, in which the relaxation is described approximately by a Debye law exp( — ί/τΰ). The values of γ and τ depend on the level of photoinduced anisotropy which was reached before the beginning of the relaxation in darkness. The nonexponential nature of the anisotropy relaxation is linked with a hierarchical limitation on the relaxation dynamics, caused by a hierarchy of anisotropic structural elements of the average order.