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VOLUME 61 (1995) | ISSUE 8 | PAGE 621
Monochromatic x-ray probing of an ultradense plasma
The ultradense plasma of an exploding wire has been studied by a new method of monochromatic x-ray probing. This method makes it possible to obtain shadow images of bright plasma objects in individual spectral lines at a high spatial resolution. The method also relaxes the requirements on the radiation source. The method uses x-ray elements with mica crystals bent to a spherical surface shape with a radius of 100-250 mm. Images of the explosion of an aluminum wire have been obtained in the \s2-\s3p spectral line (λ = 6.6343 A) of the He-like ion ΑΙ XII. The experimental results confirm that there is a low-density plasma corona, which arises in the initial stage of the discharge through the wire, and that there is also a dense core, which exists at the axis of the pinch during the discharge. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.