Cluster decay of 236Pu and correlations of the probabilities of a decay, cluster decay, and spontaneous fission of heavy nuclei
Hussonnois M. , Le Du J. F. , Trubert D. , Bonetti R. , Guglielmetti A. , Ponomarenkoi V. A. , Guzei T., Tret'yakova S. P. , Mikheev V. L. , Golovchenko A. N. , Ponomarenko V. A.
Fifteen cases of the decay of 236Pu accompanied by the emission of magnesium nuclei were recorded. The probability of this decay mode relative to a decay is (2.7±0.7)X 10"14. A partial half-life of (1.25±0.12)X 109 yr was obtained for spontaneous fission of 236Pu. It was shown that the total probability of cluster decay and spontaneous fission for even-even nuclei with 88=£Z=slOO has a lower limit of и 10~9 relative to a decay. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.