VOLUME 62 (1995) | ISSUE 9 |
PAGE 733
Effect of a magnetic field on the Raman spectrum in a metal
Mishchenko E. Zh.
Inelastic scattering of light in a magnetic field is studied theoretically from the standpoint of determining the nature of the Raman spectra of high-jTc superconductors. A quasiclassical approach based on Boltz-mann's equation is used. Two limiting cases are analyzed in detail — pure and dirty metals. In a pure crystal logarithmic peaks corresponding to cyclotron resonances should be observed. In the dirty case a wide relaxation continuum, which is determined by the reciprocal of the electron relaxation time, splits into smaller continua whose peaks lie near the transferred frequencies which are multiples of the cyclotron frequency. The skin effect and the Coulomb interaction are taken into account. Raman scattering with excitation of an optical phonon is analyzed. It is shown that in a magnetic field the phonon peak is broadened as a result of stronger phonon damping in the case where the frequency of the phonon lies near the cyclotron resonance. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.