Superconductivity of (ET)4Hg2.89Br8 at atmospheric pressure and Tc=4.3 K and the critical-field anisotropy
Lyubovskaya R. N. , Zhilyaeva E. I. , Pesotskii S. I. , Lyubovskii R. B., Atovmyan L. O., D'yachenko O. A. , Takhirov T. G.
The structure of a new organic metal (ET)4Hg2 89Br8, which undergoes a transition to the superconducting state at atmospheric pressure and Tc = 4.3 K, has been identified. X-ray structural analysis data show that there are two incommensurate lattices. For the upper critical fields, Η Ц2 and Η lc2, the curvature is typically positive and temperature dependent. The anisotropy is {Hl2/Hlcl)Tc = 20 and at low temperatures dH \2 /dT ~ 100 kOe/K and dH lcl /dT ~18kOe/K.