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VOLUME 45 (1987) | ISSUE 5 | PAGE 248
Nonohmic hopping conductivity with variable-range hopping in crystalline silicon
Experimental study of crystalline n-Si(¥) showed that /, the length parameter which characterizes the nonohmic nature of the hopping conductivity with variable-range hopping, is a large value, appreciably exceeding the mean range of the hop, and that with decrease of the temperature Γ, this value increases in proportion to l~ T~ n, where η ~ 1. This behavior is consistent with the predictions of the theoretical model and the numerical calculations {Ε. I. Levin and В. I. Shklovsku, Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn. 18, 856 (1984) [Sov. Phys. Semicond. 18, 534 (1984)].