Asymmetry of the cross sections for the reaction γ He3 → pd with linearly polarized γ rays
Belyaev A. A. , Get'man V. A. , Gorbenko V. G. , Glamazdin A. V. , Gushchin V. A. , Zhebrovskii Yu. V. , Karnaukhov I. M. , Kolesnikov L. Ya. , Kotlyar V. V. , Lukhanin A. A., Rubashkin A. L.., Sorokin P. V., Sporov E. A., Telegin Yu. N. , Shebeko A. V.
Experimental data are reported on the asymmetry of the cross section for the photodisintegration of the He3 nucleus by linearly polarized γ rays in the energy range 100-250 MeV for a cm. proton emission angle of 110° and at a γ-ray energy of 200 MeV for proton emission angles in the range 45-140°. The experimental results are compared with theoretical predictions calculated in the momentum representation through the use of a single-particle electromagnetic-current operator and Faddeev wave functions for the He3 nucleus.