Superconductivity near the metal-insulator transition in amorphous α-Ge33As12Se55
Berman I. V. , Brandt N. B. , Alekseev V. A. , Kostyleva I. E. , Sidorov V. I. , Pyatkina O. P.
Experiments have been carried out on the effect of pressures Ρ up to 220 kbar on the electrical resistance of the amorphous alloy «-Ge33As12Se55 over the temperature range 1.4-300 K. Near the metal-insulator transition (P~ 160 kbar), superconductivity sets in with a critical temperature Tc which increases rapidly to Tc = 3.5 К as Ρ is raised to 200 kbar. The effect is reversible if Ρ does not exceed 200 kbar.