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VOLUME 55 (1992) | ISSUE 8 | PAGE 431
Observation of an interference of one- and two-photon ionization of the sodium 45 state
A beam of Na atoms in the 4s state, with a binding energy / = 1.97 eV, was exposed to light pulses at λ x = 1064 nm from a Nd: YAG laser and also the corresponding second harmonic, atA2 = 532 nm. The light at these two wavelengths caused a two-photon ionization and a one-photon ionization, respectively; ¥uox<I< 2ίιω,. The experiments reveal an oscillatory dependence of the flux of electrons emitted in a certain direction on the phase difference between Ε2χ) and Ε(2ωί); i.e., the experiments reveal the interference in the title of this paper.