Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
Avramenko S. A., Abdurakhimov A. U., Aksinenko V. D., Anikina M. Kh., Bannik B. P., Belikov Yu. A., Butenko V. A., Vardenga G. L., Volkov Yu. N., Gal'perin A. G., Glagoleva N. S., Golokhvastov A. I., Drozdov V. A., Zav'yalov V. F., Kaminskii N. I., Kozubskii E. V., Komarova S. N., Kulakov B. A., Lukstin'sh Yu., Mandrik O. Yu., Matyushin A. T., Matyushin V. T., Mukhin S. V., Nikityuk N. M., Ostanevich T. G., Okhrimenko L. S., Okhrimenko O. V., Radomanov V. B., Rukoyatkin P. A., Saitov I. S., Sedykh S. A., Khorozov S. A., Kondrat'ev V. P., Krasnov L. V., Stepanov I. V., Shevchenko I. E., Gajewski K., Mirkowski J., Pawlowski Z., Piatkowski A., Nurgozhin N. N., Khusainov E. K., Pol' Yu. S., Taran G. G.

The (3H,3He) reaction at Mg and Ne has been studied in a Απ geometry at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c-nucleon). This is the first such study. The total cross sections for the reactions (3H,3He) and (7Li,7Be) atH, C, Al, Cu, and Pb nuclei have been measured, at the same momentum per nucleon. All the results indicate that effects associated with a collective excitation of a Δ isobar in these nuclei play an important role.