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VOLUME 56 (1992) | ISSUE 4 | PAGE 221
Effective-mass renormalization and de Haas-van Alphen effect in heavy-fermion systems
The spectrum of the broad conduction band undergoes a pronounced renormalization in the Kondo-lattice model as a result of inelastic scattering by spin excitations which form a system of neutral heavy fermions as t->0. This renormalization is not universal, however, and the effective electron mass is generally smaller than the thermodynamic mass. The inelastic interaction with the spin liquid, in constrast with phonons, leads to the explicit appearance of a Dingle factor in the amplitude of the de Haas-van Alphen effect. A correlation between the renormalized electron mass as t-* 0 and the resistance of the heavy-fermion system at t~ tk is analyzed. Experimental aspects of the problem of identifying the nature of the spin correlations at low temperatures are discussed.