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VOLUME 56 (1992) | ISSUE 11 | PAGE 561
New analysis of the results of the Kholod-80 experiment to search for temperature fluctuations of the background radiation in the angular interval 0.5-6œ
The results of the Kholod-80 experiment, carried out on the RATAN-600, are analyzed by means of a three-point dispersion which does not depend on the distorted low-frequency angular harmonics of the signal of interest. After the noise associated with nonthermal radiation of the local galaxy (with a spectral index of 2.55) is eliminated, and after the noise associated with atmospheric water vapor is eliminated, one can see a correlation signal of unknown nature. This signal has a three-point dispersion with a maximum at a scale of 3.5° and with a dip at 5°. Whether this signal can be attributed to fluctuations of the background radiation is discussed. The relationship between this signal and recent data found by the óï÷å group is also discussed.