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VOLUME 56 (1992) | ISSUE 11 | PAGE 575
Effects of the interaction of intrasubband and intersubband magnetoplasmons in the emission spectrum of a quasi-2D electron gas
A splitting of an emission line corresponding to a recombination of an electron from the zeroth Landau level of the first subband, 0*, has been observed in the magnetoluminescence spectrum of a quasi-2D electron gas in an InGaAs quantum well at 4 K. This effect is observed near a resonance of the energies of intrasubband and intersubband magnetoplasmons when there are electrons in the second subband. This effect disappears as the temperature is raised. It can be explained on the basis of an interaction between magnetoplasmons of two types in the final state of the 2D electron gas (after the recombination of the О* electron).