Temperature dependence of electron Raman scattering in superconducting and insulating YBa2Cu306+x single crystals
Maksimov A. A., Puchkov A. V., Tartakovskii I. I., Reznik D., Klein M. V., Lee W. C., Ginsberg D. M.
A detailed study has been made of electron Raman scattering in superconducting and insulating single crystals of YBa2Cu3 ®ь+хThe spectral changes which occur at frequencies ω<600 cm~\ on the one hand, and the different positions of the 2Δ peak in different polarizations, on the other, indicate that the superconducting gap is strongly anisotropic. In the normal phase the behavior of the imaginary part of the response function R" (ω) in the polarization (χ'χ') corresponds to the model of a marginal Fermi liquid. In the polarization (x'y1), this behavior is independent of the temperature. In insulating crystals, R"(ω) is independent of the temperature up to Τ£200 К in both polarizations.