Anomalous density fluctuations in a nonequilibrium gas-adsorbate system
Borman V. D., Starodub D. G., Talyzin D. I., Tronin V. N., Troyan V. I.
The results of an experimental study of the dynamics of the fluctuations in the number of particles in a nonequilibrium gas-adsorbate system are presented. The adsorbate was a multilayer xenon adsorbate. Fluctuations in the Xe pressure, which are anomalously large in comparison with equilibrium values, were observed. The spectrum of these fluctuations is of the nature of a \/f noise, but it has a peak at the frequency ω = 3.3χ 10-2 s~x. The reason for the observed anomalies may lie in the dynamics of the formation of the rough adsorbate surface.