Two-photon absorption of an intense femtosecond pulse in glasses doped with microscopic semiconductor crystals at a photon energy greater than the band gap
Bezel' I. V., Matveets Yu. A., Stepanov A. G., Chekalin S. V., Yartsev A. P.
The nonlinear transmission of glasses doped with semiconductor crystallites has been measured over a broad intensity range (4χ 108-3X 1012 W/cm2) with the help of femtosecond laser pulses. In the interval 10"-1012 W/cm2 the absorption by the samples is due primarily to a two-photon absorption of the semiconductors. The coefficients of this two-photon absorption, β, have been found for RG-4 and RG-8 glasses: (3.8± 1.9) Χ ΙΟ-10 and (5.3±2.7)Х1(Г10 cm/W.