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VOLUME 59 (1994) | ISSUE 10 | PAGE 663
Transition from strong to weak coupling with decreasing Tc in the Tl2Ba2CuO6+x system
The effect of an increase in the oxygen content on the parameters of the electronic system in the normal and superconducting states has been studied in oriented samples of the high-rc system Т12Ва2СиО(1+л with Tc's from 115 to 30 К (with χ from 0 to 0.3). The study was carried out by an NMR method using 205T1. The superconducting gap is found from the temperature dependence of the rate of spin-lattice relaxation and from the Knight shift of 205jj jng ratjQ decreases with decreasing Tc. This behavior indicates a corresponding weakening of the coupling upon doping with oxygen.