Low-temperature resistance anomaly in a new organic metal (TSeT)4Hg4I9 (tetraselenotetracene iodomercurate) under pressures exceeding 5 kbar
Kononovich P. A. , Kaminskii V. F. , Laukhin V. N., Kostyuchenko E. E. , Ginodman V. B. , Zherikhina L. N. , Shibaeva R. P. , Shchegolev I. F. , Yagubskii E. B.
At pressures exceeding 5 kbar in the temperature range 0.4-100 K, the temperature behavior of the resistance of the quasi-one-dimensional organic metal (TSeT)4Hg4I9 is nonmonotonic: The resistance increases weakly with cooling from 100 to —10 К and drops slightly below 10 K. The application of a transverse magnetic field decreases the nonmonotonicity indicated.