Ferroelectric domains of a new type: closed loop domains at twinning boundaries
Dontsova L. I. , Dontsova L. I. , Pikin S. A., Shuvalov L. A.
The ferroelectric crystal guanidine alumosulfate hexahydrate, [C(NH2)3]-[Al(H20)6][So4]2 (GASH), is known to belong to the class 3m(C3V) over its entire range of existence and to lack a paraelectric phase. It decomposes when it reaches the Curie point [see, for example, F. Jona and G. Shirane, Ferroelectric Crystals, Pergamon, New York, 1962 (Russ. transl. Mir, Moscow, 1965). The 180° GASH domains are optically indistinguishable. The domain structure has accordingly been studied by a decoration method [B. Hilczer et ah, Phys. Status Solidi a28, klOl (1975), and F. Sudaei a!., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 45,916 (1978)] and by an electroluminescence method {I. S. Zheludev et al., Kristallografiya 7, 147 (1962) [Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. Vol. 7, 121 (1962)] j.