Erratum: A possible self-resonant cyclotron acceleration of charges in an inhomogeneous plasma [JETP Lett. 35, No. 12,622-625 (20 June 1982)]
Kitsenko A. B.
Erratum: A possible self-resonant cyclotron acceleration of charges in an inhomogeneous plasma [JETP Lett. 35, No. 12,622-625 (20 June 1982)] A. B. Kitsenko Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 36, No. 8, 312 (20 October 1982) PACS numbers: 52.20.Dq, 99.10. + g In the paper by A. B. Kitsenko in Vol. 35, No. 12, there is an error in Eq. (9), for which the author is responsible. Equation (9) should read r_ к I dvEy0 | 2nkx dcoB{y0) k2zcoBy0 dy0 k2za)B[y0) dy0