Generation of neutrons as a result of explosive initiation of the DD reactions in conical targets
Anisimov S.I. , Bespalov V.E. , Vovchenko V.I. , Dremin A.N. , Dubovitskii F.I. , Zharkov A.P., Ivanov M.F., Krasyuk I.K. , Pashinin P.P. , Prokhorov A.M. , Ternovoi V.Ya. , Fortov V.E. , Shchur L.N.
A neutron yield of approximately 106 neutrons was recorded as a result of deceleration in deuterium-filled conical targets of metallic liners accelerated by detonation of solid explosives. Theoretical calculations of the neutron-generation process were performed, taking into account the cone deformation in the final stage of compression and heating of deuterium.