Experimental observation and investigation of muonic catalysis of the fusion reaction of deuterium and tritium nuclei
Bystritskii V.M. , Dzhelepov V.P. , Ershova Z.V., Zinov V.G. , Kapyshev V.K. , Mukhamet-Galeeva S.M. , Nadezhdin V.S. , Rivkis L.A. , Rudenko A.I. , Satarov V.I. , Sergeeva N.V. , Somov L.N., Stolupin V.A. , Fil'chenkov V.V.
The neutron yield from the reaction άίμ—>4He + η + μ' + 17.6 MeV induced by negative muons in the D2 + T2 gas mixture was measured by using a muon beam of the JINR 680-MeV synchrocyclotron. The rate of transfer of a muon from deuterium to tritium Xdt = (2.7 ± 0.9) Χ 108 sec"1 and the lower boundary for the formation rate of άίμ molecules Adtft > 108 sec1 were obtained on the basis of these data.